Sweatshirt pictat manual - Acrylic + strat de lac protector
In functie de dimensiuni, pot realiza acelasi model(cu variatii unice la fiecare),
pe aproape orice tip de tesatura sau pe alte forme.
Hand painted sweatshirt - Acrylics + protective layer
Depending on the dimensions, I can create the same pattern(with unique variations on each piece),
on almost any type of cloth or fabric or on various shapes.
"Things have gotten closer to the sun
And I've done things in small doses
So don't think that I pushed you away
When you're the one that got the closest."
Hand painted sweatshirt - Acrylics + protective layer
Depending on the dimensions, I can create the same pattern(with unique variations on each piece),
on almost any type of cloth or fabric or on various shapes.
"Things have gotten closer to the sun
And I've done things in small doses
So don't think that I pushed you away
When you're the one that got the closest."
Mai jos aveti cateva poze si cu pasii procesului.
Pentru o linie mai curata am ales sa izolez forma cu banda de hartie,
mai ales pentru ca tesatura nu ar fi permis o forma destul de precisa.
Below there's the pictures with the steps taken.
For a cleaner line, I isolated the shape with paper tape,
especially since the fabric was too soft to allow a more precise shape.
Below there's the pictures with the steps taken.
For a cleaner line, I isolated the shape with paper tape,
especially since the fabric was too soft to allow a more precise shape.
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